Kadmar Shipping provides end-to-end logistics solutions for dry bulk cargo transportation, ensuring that the cargo is transported safely and efficiently to its destination. The company offers a wide range of dry bulk cargo transportation options, including vessel chartering, freight forwarding, and project cargo transportation.
The vessel chartering services provided by Kadmar Shipping include the chartering of bulk carriers, specialized vessels, and barges, depending on the client’s requirements. The company works with a network of reliable vessel operators to ensure that the cargo is transported on time and within budget.
Kadmar Shipping’s freight forwarding services for dry bulk cargo transportation include cargo consolidation, customs clearance, and door-to-door delivery. The company’s experienced team of freight forwarders ensures that the cargo is transported efficiently, while complying with all relevant regulations.
In addition, Kadmar Shipping offers project cargo transportation services for large-scale dry bulk cargo transportation projects. The company provides project management, transportation planning, and route survey services to ensure that the cargo is transported safely and efficiently to its destination.
Overall, Kadmar Shipping’s logistics services for dry bulk cargo transportation provide a reliable and efficient way for clients to transport their cargo around the world. The company’s extensive experience in the logistics industry, coupled with its global network of partners and suppliers, allows it to provide tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.