The Leading Ship, Yacht and Offshore Agency in Egypt Since 1983

The Leading Ship, Yacht and Offshore Agency in Egypt Since 1983


Escort of VLCC, L.P.G, LNG, Large Bulk Carrier and Other Vessel to be as Follow:

As of 1st January 2014 The Suez Canal Authorities (SCA) has increased the tariffs for escort tugs to SDR 10,000

SCA Circular 03/2004 shall be considered null and void, and is replaced by the following :
Escort tugboats are hired at a unified rate SDR 10,000 per each individual tugboat.
You can find the new circular 7/2013 here

SCA Circular No. 8/1996
The Suez Canal Authority has decided to modify Art. 58 Rules of Navigation as stated hereunder:

Escorting the ships transiting the Suez Canal is effectuated according to the Suez Canal net tonnage and not the summer dead weight. The Article will read as follows:
Loaded vessels less than 70,000 Suez Canal net tonnage will be escorted by one tug if for technical reasons SCA find it necessary or when the vessels draught is more than 47 feet.
Loaded vessels from 70,000 Suez Canal net tonnage to 90,000 tons will be escorted by one tug.
Loaded vessels over 90,000 Suez Canal net tonnage will be escorted by two tugs.
Vessels in ballast over 130,000 Suez Canal net tonnage will be escorted by one tug.
LPG and LNG over 25,000 Suez Canal net tonnage (except GF) (1) will be escorted by one tug (2).
Vessels in ballast with beam over 218 ft up to 233 ft will be escorting by one tug.
Vessels in ballast with beam over 233 ft will be escorted by two tugs.
Towed scrapped vessels in ballast 80,000 Suez Canal net tonnage and over will be escorted by one tug.

The Suez Canal net tonnage is assessed regardless of sizes that are temporarily added in each transit (such as double bottom tanks or containers on deck etc.)
This circular takes effect as of 1/1/1997

As of 1st January 2014 The Suez Canal Authorites (SCA) has increased the charge of an imposed tug to SDR 22,000

SCA Circular 03/2004 shall be considered null and void, and is replaced by the following :
Imposed tugboats are hired at a unified rate of SDR 22,000 for the entire trip of the tugboats from one end of the Canal to the other .
You can find the new circular 7/2013 here
Art. 57 - Cases of Imposed Tugs : (See Circular Updates, Cir. No. 6/1996) and (See Circular Updates, Cir. No. 3/2004)
The CA may require any vessel to take a tug or tugs through the Canal, when in its judgment such action is necessary to ensure safety of the vessel or to the Canal.
Any vessel without mechanical power, or the machinery of which is/or becomes disabled, or steers badly, or which is liable to become unmanageable for any reason, shall be towed through the Canal.
Vessels having engine or steering gear trouble for the second time during the same passage.
Bad view vessels owing to deck cargo, containers, cranes or constructions impeding the view from the wheelhouse and wings.
a - Vessels of 1500 SC.G.T and over unable to use one or both their bow anchor. (Ref. Art: 23)
b - Vessels of 1500 SC.G.T and over built with one anchor.
c - Vessels of 1500 SC.G.T and over built with more than one anchor if only one of them on the bow
d - Special cases to be studied.
Drilling vessels.

Vessels with two engines on one propeller of which one is out of order for any reason and can not maintain speed of 10 knots at least without current after sea trial to assure the speed and valid sea worthiness certificate.

Vessels with two engines on two propellers of which one is out of order On Master's request for one tug or more.

On Master request for one tug or more.

Submarines to be escorted by one or two imposed tugs according to CA. Survey (depending on submarine condition, anchors, mooring facilities, power drive.... etc).

Air craft carriers to be escorted by two imposed tugs.

a) General Cargo vessels carrying explosive of type class 1, (explosive div.1.1 , div.1.2 , and div.1.3 according to IMDG code) in less than 50% of the loaded cargo, an imposed tug to be added during transit, for security.

b) But if the explosive cargo are 50% or more of the loaded cargo, two imposed tugs are to be added during transit, for security.


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