SCA amendment & renewal of circular No. 5/2020 concerning ” vehicles carriers”
coming from ports at North West of Europe and heading to port of Singapore and it’s Eastern ports
Pls. find attached copy of SCA periodical in regard to the amendment & renewal of circular No. 5/2020 concerning ” vehicles carriers” coming from ports at North West of Europe and heading to port of Singapore and it’s Eastern ports that shall be in force till 31 December 2020.
SCA circular (5/2020)
Amendment & renewal to SCA circular (5/2020)
Article One:
Vehicles carriers coming from ports at North West of Europe till Santander port and heading to port of Singapore and its’s Eastern ports at South East of Asia and the far East shall be granted a rebate of 8% from Suez Canal Normal tolls
Amendment to article One to read:
Vehicles carriers coming from ports at North West of Europe till Santander port and heading to port of Port Klang and its’s Eastern ports at South East of Asia and the far East shall be granted a rebate of 8% from Suez Canal Normal tolls
N.B: attached copy of SCA circular No. 5/2020 for your easy reference.
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Kadmar Shipping